The Cohousing Concept
Cohousing is community intentionally designed with ample common spaces surrounded by private homes. Collaborative spaces typically include a common house with a large kitchen and dining room, laundry, and recreational areas and outdoor walkways, open space, gardens, and parking. Neighbors use these spaces to play together, cook for one another, share tools, and work collaboratively. Common property is managed and maintained by community members, providing even more opportunities for growing relationships
Reference: The Cohousing Association of the United States
- Neighbors commit to being part of a community for everyone’s mutual benefit.
- Cohousing cultivates a culture of sharing and connection.
- Design features and neighborhood size (26 homes) promote frequent interaction and close relationships.
- Cohousing neighborhoods are designed for a balance of privacy as well as community.
- Residents choose their own level of engagement.
- Decision making is participatory and based on consensus.
- Self-management empowers residents, builds community, and saves money.
- Cohousing communities support residents in actualizing shared values.
- Cohousing neighborhoods adopt greener approaches to living.
Reference: The Cohousing Association of the United States
What Cohousers Love About Cohousing
Hear from experienced cohousers, young and not-so-young, about their favorite aspects of the cohousing lifestyle. Created by Mia Lazar and Ava Lazar for the 2015 National Cohousing Conference, this video features Shadowlake Village Cohousing in Blacksburg, Virginia.